Monday, 2 July 2018

Publishing our Story writing

We wrote descriptions about Harold - the giraffe from the Life Education caravan. Mrs Dijkstra has a soft toy version. We used adjectives to make a clear picture in the readers mind. Mrs Varga made yellow cones for us, which we used to make a giraffe. We published our stories using Book Creator on the iPad which was printed and laminated and placed on our giraffe.

We wrote similes about the colour red by comparing it to something else. Mrs Dijkstra, Mrs Zhu and Mrs Kirke helped us, so that we could publish on a balloon. Luckily, not one popped! They are now on display in our room.

PTA Tile

These are some of the children's art work which will be used to make into a mug, a coaster or a magnet if you are able to and wish to support this PTA Fundraiser. We drew simple cats and coloured in sections with contrasting colours. The felts were great for making the colours vibrant.