Friday, 7 September 2018

Science Experiment with Mentos and Coke

As a follow-up to Science in a Van we tried one experiment. Mrs Michael's and Mrs Zhu assisted whilst Mrs Dijkstra took photos. It was a bit windy and in our second attempt it blew in the direction of Mrs Michael's. Mrs Dijkstra had a gadget called a geyser tube which helped funnel the force.
The reaction happened very quickly and was very exciting. We watched an explanation on YouTube to help us understand how and why the reaction happened.

Science In a Van

Last Monday we went to the hall to see Science in a Van. It was all about forces like push, pull, friction and gravity. It began with an optical illusion, followed by Miss Fullard seating on a bed of nails and ended with their version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. They were very funny and made science every day.