Saturday, 27 October 2018

Keeping our Houses warm and Dry.

As part of our Inquiry at the end of last term we designed a room that had features that helped keep our house warm and dry. The dioramas looked amazing with so much detailed included.

Friday, 26 October 2018

Poetry Recital

This week each child in Room 24 presented their poem. I was so impressed by how brave everyone was. Each child needed to think about reading at a good pace, using expression, maybe some actions and to try and look at the audience sometimes. Some children decided not to select a familiar poem from our Poetry Folders but choose their own poem. Some poems were funny and made us laugh. We have two definite finalists Stephanie and Jayan. One child is deciding, so the third person is not definite at this stage. A little step to stand on, a music stand and a bell helped set the scene.

Scootering today

 Room 24 went up first today Sootering with Andy. The children were put into four teams and assisted by the Travel Wise Leaders. Each team had a relay type activity with different challenges.
Children had to zig zag, stop at a pedestrian crossing, make an emergency stop and try and glide as far as they could. It was so much fun!!