Friday, 29 June 2018

Room 24 Art display

Here are some examples of our art work that was displayed in the hall for this year's Art exhibition
A big thank-you to Mrs Michael's for helping with the butterflies and mounting and  to Mrs Zhu and Renee for helping with the printing and to Mrs Bannister for supplying and painting the boxes and for supplying the card. Thank-you to Mrs Varga for mounting our Colour Robber Art. 
A great team effort that helped show case our wonderful Art work.

Room 24 viewing the Arts Exhibition

Cass the Colour Robber

Sunday, 24 June 2018


Using Glitter Gel Hama Beads we made butterflies which will be displayed 
in the Arts Exhibition
Using cardboard we cut and constructed a flower which was later printed in 
white onto black paper.

Mrs Dijkstra read us the big book "Cass the Colour Robber" we drew a scene from the story where all the colour had been zapped.  Our next blog post will show our second drawing where the Colour Robber has a change of heart and returns the colour, 
making everything rainbow.

Monday, 18 June 2018


As part of ARTS week the Year 2's rotated classrooms. Miss Fullard took Dance and Mrs Smaill's took drama.  Mrs Dijkstra took us for ukulele. Mrs Kirke, Mrs Jing and Mrs Zhu helped out.
It was fun being part of a band!