Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Coding using the Osmos

This week with assistance from our lovely parents, we all got started with Osmo Coding for the first time this year. The challenge is to guide Awbie ( a playful character) who loves eating strawberries on a tree shaking, strawberry- munching adventure by giving him commands using the coding blocks. Such fun!!


  1. Woo hoo. Go Room 24. Always great fun coding. Maybe you will be able to teach Mrs Venville!

  2. Jordyn and Emily29 March 2018 at 10:21

    Wow! Room 24 looks like there having lots of fun. What activity was your favourite?

  3. I love Osmo! This has to be my favourite Tinker Time activity. I like the tangram shapes and the spelling challenges. What do you like the most?
